Balance: 5401 BTC wallet.dat . Sale wallet.dat
Address with balance: 1EgH7EUfgjr8gAK9t1BeHLDC1ijrVvdec3 1NmzF5N79oaiCfSU6ghCDKWpM453LZ9WZo 17dE8apBcExNAtHr6da1kWUFMpBUfCE2Av 19Y4frBbSwqCoi62PDMz9UQLzJc97H2BZC 14weEeREuQjvpW5CegS3RcX5BvwBTNZABg 16vMxeMHJDbMoDu2s1ozDQAmzY3bPmdLLi 1P6Snh8EGDBoUeaGRwQ3rfEhqrWnEoEVZU 1GnGsCKqe19LzmuSyYryE91w7EXfmTQQEG 15M8wqWQYqpb3QQgfsSpHFDoU6EynHYdXH
Approximate amount in dollars at the time of losing the password: very much.
Cost: ONE SALE FOR 0.013 btc this wallet have hints with information the price is negotiated individually, please contact after purchase
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